Identifying a wind power site in Brevig Mission is challenging because the airport with main and crosswind runways – with four approach and departure lanes to consider – constricts airspace more than typical single runway airports. A stronger wind resource is predicted in the mountains north and northeast of Brevig Mission, but the peaks and ridges are high elevation and not easily accessible. A wind turbine site near the intersection of the airport runways may be possible for lower height turbines where the rotor blade tip height does not violate the airport horizontal surface (150 ft. above the established 38 ft. airport elevation, extending 5,000 ft. in all directions).
Wind power for Brevig Mission, with wind turbines located in or near Teller, would be possible via the electrical intertie connection to Teller, but that line was severely damaged during a November, 2012 storm and remains out of commission.
If wind power were to be developed in or near Brevig Mission, a wind measurement study with a met tower to verify acceptable turbulence conditions would be advisable.