
Noorvik presents a number of wind power site options, from near-village locations to Hotham Peak several miles to the east. Wind resource studies have been conducted at the old airport, near the new airport, on the hill near the rock quarry at the foot of Hotham Peak (“Quarry Hill”) and on Hotham Peak itself. The […]


The wind resource measured at the Kivalina met tower site is good with measured wind power class 3 to 4 (on a scale of 1 to 7). Kivalina’s wind characteristics are ideal with exceptionally low turbulence and low wind shear. Also, Kivalina experiences very cold winter temperatures which increases energy production from wind turbines. Note […]


Buckland has very expensive fuel, a well-run powerplant ideally suited for integration of wind turbines, and a strong desire to incorporate wind power to reduce their energy costs.  In summer 2015, after ten years of study and planning, two 100 kW Northern Power Systems NPS100 wind turbines, plus a five mile distribution intertie to the […]

Point Lay

The wind resource measured in Point Lay is excellent, with measured wind power high class 4 to low class 5 (on a scale of 1 to 7). In addition to high average wind speeds and high wind power density, Point Lay’s winds are highly directional and of low turbulence, all of which are highly desirable […]

Point Hope

The wind resource measured in Point Hope is outstanding, with measured wind power class 6 (on a scale of 1 to 7). In addition to high average wind speeds and high wind power density, very low turbulence was measured and calculations indicate low extreme wind speed probability, all of which are highly desirable for wind […]


The wind resource measured in Wainwright is excellent, with measured wind power high class 4 to low class 5 (on a scale of 1 to 7). In addition to strong average wind speeds and wind power density, the site experiences highly directional prevailing winds, low turbulence and calculations indicate low extreme wind speed probability, all […]

Saint Mary’s

Saint Mary’s, Alaska is the largest village on the lower Yukon River and a high priority wind power project site for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). Two wind power sites in or near Saint Mary’s have been monitored: the “Pitka’s Point Site” adjacent to the rock quarry between the village and the airport, and the […]